
The North of Amsterdam is the area north of the river IJ. It is residential district, and with about 86,000 inhabitants, it has the size of a medium-sized city and it is growing at a rapid pace — three new neighborhoods are currently in construction. This district has remained well off the radar among tourists visiting Amsterdam, so amenities are not well-developed. It looks strikingly different from the city center, so get in with an open mind. Yet, there is more to see than you might think. The ferry to it in itself is a breeze, crossing the river IJ and showing the urban landscape of the North. Get off at the NDSM shipyard, that functioned as a shipyard as recently as the 1980s, but now boasts a lively art scene. Urban culture comes alive in its large skate park. Then patch up your bicycle, and ride it through the rural farmland in the east. The picturesque villages Ransdorp and Zunderdorp are favorites among the locals for their traditional Dutch farmhouses.